domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015

Learn English. 6 reasons that push you definitely

(This is only English Exercise, It’s plenty of mistakes I’m not responsible of this the original article is here.)

Do you want to know the 6 main reason that pushed me to learn English?

To Become in a Special Person learning english

In Spain only the 7% of the population have overcome the infamous “medium level of english” that everybody has written in the CV (later we complain that the politicians lie to us)

Less than 10% has a high level of oral expression ¿Do you want to join to that elite?

Here you don’t find the way to learn english, here you find my motivations. I share with you because maybe that can help you too.

There are hundreds of reasons that is important to learn english. The majority of them use to be professionals, but he people that they don’t need English for their jobs have big reasons to learn too.

1) Stop to be a Modern illiterate.

Can you live without to know english? Yes of course you can. During years most of the people in Europe can Live without not to know how to write and read. That were only a privilege of high class and the church.

If I ask you if consider yourself an illiterate probably you answer me not I don’t. You know write and read in Spanish

In Spain (information of INE 2011) less than 2% of the population is illiterate. That data is not bad at all if you know that in Spain at the beginning of the last Century we have the same percentage in France or England on the 17th century.

In the Medieval Age the knowledge and the culture was only to the monasteries and their monks (Great book and movie  “The Name of the Rose”) and the village people thought they didn’t know how to read and write to walk in the road of their life.

Now, in this moment of Technology Revolution it isn’t enough read and write in your own language. You need english to can reach the last news, trends to get the sources of the knowledge.
You can argue that if you wait only few moths or years you can get this information in Spanish too, but you’re always in disadvantage in front to the people really make the effort of learn english. You’ll be a follower of this people.

Not self-delusion. Don’t be a illiterate in the 21th Century learn English.

2) English is key to escalate in your life.

Aren’t you happy with the level of actual life. Do you want to rise and get better life? You’re going to need a lot of energy and discipline this isn’t a easy way.
Second you need the right tools. One of this tools is the English. To be able to communicate with people of wherever part of the world (not only anglo speaking countries) is a way to set relationships, personal and professionals. They let you break the chains of your current status.

3) Earn more money. Yes is the “pelf”!

In a Harvard Business Review article says that people who adquiere a good level of English (they laugh of your medium level of english) earn between 30 and 50% more in a year. Besides this Study shows that rising the level your level of English you’re helping to the growth of Economy and the Prosperity of your Country. is it necessary to write anything more?. At the same time you earn more money, you’re helping to the Society of your Country.

4) To stimulate the brain.

The brain can exercise like other muscles of your body. Obviously if you leave to use it this is getting stun and you have more probably to suffer degenerative diseases. 

An efficient way to exercise it is learning English. The article shows that this work out let you build news brains connections that help in all the intelligence areas: espacial, memory, etc..
There are studies (like the one published in Cerebral Cortex) they arrive to the conclusion that people whom mother’s language was Spanish and domain English they have more grey matter in the front lobule and the parietal. This let you getting  better capacity of establish goals, planning, executive control, focus, etc.

5) To watch films it other languages.

Perhaps that reason seems to be the less relative important. In fact in Spain the voice actors are big professionals and they made a great job with the films and TV American Series. They’re key of the success of the Movie in Spain.
But, a lot of times I get tired to listen Fry (a Futurama’s character) is Will Smith, Benedict Cumberbatch, Luke Evans (Fast and Furious) , Nathan Fillion (Castle), Ryan Gosling, Cuba Gooding JR, Josh Holloway (Lost), Jonny Lee Miller (Elementary), Zachary Levi (Chuck), Rob Lowe, Eric McCormack (Perception), Jesse Metcalfe (Desperate Wives), Jerry O’Connell, Timothy Olyphant (Justified), Vicent Piazza (Boardwalk Empire), Tom Everett Scott, etc. Always I watch a movie or episode of this actors immediately to my mind emerge Fry of Futurama. Fry is Sherlock Holmes, Fry was in the island of Lost, Fry has got some tan in the Will Smith’s movies,. Always Fry and worse, without Leela.

When you listen a real voices, many times is like to discover new films and you return to the original actor all responsibility of his role.

6) And last but not least; By yourself

How many times have you tried it? How many times have you failed?. Or like Thomas A. Edison said "I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
I’m not going to cheat you. Learn English isn’t easy. You have to be discipline, perseverant and have a powerful willing. You’ll feel like that you aren’t getting better, you’re stuck, you`re going nowhere and wasting te time. In this moments you have to get the best of yourself, go on, don’t give up despite the obstacles.

It’ll arrive one day you look behind and you see the improvement, like you’ve got better. There is something in the TV or a Youtube’s Video and you realize that you can understand it. You’ll find a situation you have to deal in English and you overcome. In these moments you realize it’s been worthy and from now on it doesn’t matter the goal of you proposal in the life (lost weight, give up smoking, etc..) you know the Secret of Succes: work hard and discipline. There won’t anything can stop you

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